my $budget_name = &GetBudgetName($budget_id);
get the budget_name for a given budget_id
my $auth_cats = &GetBudgetAuthCats($budget_period_id);
Return the list of authcat for a given budget_period_id
get a specific budget
get a specific budget by order number
&GetBudgetReport( [$budget_id] );
Get all orders for a specific budget, without cancelled orders.
Returns an array of hashrefs.
&GetBudgetsByActivity( $budget_period_active );
Get all active or inactive budgets, depending of the value of the parameter.
1 = active 0 = inactive
&GetBudgetsReport( [$activity] );
Get all but cancelled orders for all funds.
If the optionnal activity parameter is passed, returns orders for active/inactive budgets only.
active = 1 inactive = 0
Returns an array of hashrefs.
my $budget = &GetBudgetByCode($budget_code);
Retrieve all aqbudgets fields as a hashref for the budget that has given budget_code
my $spent = GetBudgetHierarchySpent( $budget_id );
Gets the total spent of the level and sublevels of $budget_id
my $ordered = GetBudgetHierarchyOrdered( $budget_id );
Gets the total ordered of the level and sublevels of $budget_id
&GetBudgets($filter, $order_by);
gets all budgets
my @borrowernumbers = &GetBudgetUsers($budget_id);
Return the list of borrowernumbers linked to a budget
&ModBudgetUsers($budget_id, @borrowernumbers);
Modify the list of borrowernumbers linked to a budget
my $new_budget_period_id = CloneBudgetPeriod({ budget_period_id => $budget_period_id, budget_period_startdate => $budget_period_startdate, budget_period_enddate => $budget_period_enddate, mark_original_budget_as_inactive => 1n reset_all_budgets => 1, });
Clone a budget period with all budgets. If the mark_origin_budget_as_inactive is set (0 by default), the original budget will be marked as inactive.
If the reset_all_budgets is set (0 by default), all budget (fund) amounts will be reset.
CloneBudgetHierarchy({ budgets => $budgets, new_budget_period_id => $new_budget_period_id; });
Clone a budget hierarchy.
my $report = MoveOrders({ from_budget_period_id => $from_budget_period_id, to_budget_period_id => $to_budget_period_id, });
Move orders from one budget period to another.
my ( $unitprice_field, $ecost_field ) = FieldsForCalculatingFundValues();
Fetch the tax inclusive or tax exclusive database fields for calculating fund values based on the value of the CalculateFundValuesIncludingTax system preference.
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