C4::Linker - Base class for linking authorities to bibliographic records
use C4::Linker (%params );
Base class for C4::Linker::X. Subclasses need to provide the following methods
get_link ($field) - return the authid for the authority that should be linked to the provided MARC::Field object, and a boolean to indicate whether the match is "fuzzy" (the semantics of "fuzzy" are up to the individual plugin). In order to handle authority limits, get_link should always end with: return $self->SUPER::_handle_auth_limit($authid), $fuzzy;
update_cache ($heading, $authid) - updates internal linker cache for $heading with $authid of a new created authotiry record
flip_heading ($field) - return a MARC::Field object with the heading flipped to the preferred form.
return $self->SUPER::_handle_auth_limit($authid), $fuzzy;
Function to be called by subclasses to handle authority record limits.
None by default.
Jared Camins-Esakov, C & P Bibliography Services, <jcamins@cpbibliography.com>