Koha::Auth::Client - Base Koha auth client
my $auth_client = Koha::Auth::Client->new();
$auth_client->get_user($provider, $data)
Get user data according to provider's mapping configuration
my $domain = Koha::Auth::Client->get_valid_domain_config( { provider => $provider, email => $user_email, interface => $interface } );
Gets the best suited valid domain configuration for the given provider.
my $has_valid_domain = Koha::Auth::Client->has_valid_domain_config( { provider => $provider, email => $user_email, interface => $interface } );
Checks if provider has a valid domain for user email. If has, returns that domain.
my $mapping = $auth_client->_get_data_and_patron( { provider => $provider, data => $data, config => $config } );
Generic method that maps raw data to patron schema, and returns a patron if it can.
Note: this only returns an empty hashref. Each class should have its own mapping returned.
my $value = $auth_client->_traverse_hash( { base => $base_hash, keys => $key_string } );
Get deep nested value in a hash.