Koha::Authority - Koha Authority Object class
$count = $self->get_usage_count; Returns the number of linked biblio records.
my @biblios = $self->linked_biblionumbers({ [ max_results => $max ], [ offset => $offset ], }); Returns an array of biblionumbers.
Routine to return the C4::Heading object for this authority
Some authority types control the indicators of some corresponding biblio fields (especially in MARC21). For example, if you have a PERSO_NAME authority (report tag 100), the first indicator of biblio field 600 directly comes from the authority, and the second indicator depends on thesaurus settings in the authority record. Use this method to obtain such controlled values. In this example you should pass 600 in the biblio_tag parameter. my $result = $self->controlled_indicators({ record => $auth_marc, biblio_tag => $bib_tag }); my $ind1 = $result->{ind1}; my $ind2 = $result->{ind2}; my $subfield_2 = $result->{sub2}; # Optional subfield 2 when ind==7 If an indicator is not controlled, the result hash does not contain a key for its value. (Same for the sub2 key for an optional subfield $2.) Note: The record parameter is a temporary bypass in order to prevent needless conversion of $self->marcxml.
my $information = $author->get_identifiers_and_information;
Return a list of information of the authors (syspref OPACAuthorIdentifiersAndInformation)
my $record = $authority->record()
Return the MARC::Record for this authority
my $schema = $biblio->record_schema();
Returns the record schema (MARC21 or UNIMARCAUTH).
This method returns the mapping for representing a Koha::Authority object on the API.
$authority->move_to_deleted; This sub actually copies the authority (to be deleted) into the deletedauth_header table. (Just as the other ones.)