Koha::BackgroundJob::BatchUpdateItem - Background job derived class to process item modification in batch
Define the job type of this job: batch_item_record_modification
Koha::BackgroundJobs->find($id)->process( { record_ids => \@itemnumbers, new_values => { itemnotes => $new_item_notes, k => $k, }, regex_mod => { itemnotes_nonpublic => { search => 'foo', replace => 'bar', modifiers => 'gi', }, }, exclude_from_local_holds_priority => 1|0 } );
Process the modification.
new_values allows to set a new value for given fields. The key can be one of the item's column name, or one subfieldcode of a MARC subfields not linked with a Koha field.
regex_mod allows to modify existing subfield's values using a regular expression.
Enqueue the new job
Sent the infos to generate the table containing the details of the modified items.