Koha::ERM::EUsage::CounterFile - Koha ErmCounterFile Object class
Return the counter_logs for this counter_file
Koha::ERM::EUsage::CounterFile->new($counter_file)->store( $self->{job_callbacks} );
Stores the csv COUNTER file. Adds usage titles from the file. Adds the respective counter_log entry.
Receive background_job_callbacks to be able to update job progress
Getter for the usage data provider of this counter_file
Goes through COUNTER file and adds usage objects for each row A usage object may be a erm_usage_title, erm_usage_platform, erm_usage_item or erm_usage_database
#FIXME?: "Yearly" usage may be incorrect, it'll only add up the months in the current report, not necessarily the whole year
Adds erm_usage_mus database entries
Adds erm_usage_yus database entries
Verifies if the given file_content is a valid COUNTER file or not
A I <Koha::Exceptions::ERM::EUsage::CounterFile> exception is thrown if the file is invalid .
Extracts Report_ID from file and sets report_type for this counter_file
Returns array of rows from COUNTER file
Add a message to be displayed in the background job
Return a usage_object id hash to be used when adding new yus/mus
Returns usage object if found
Returns true if is the same usage object
Returns month number for a given Mmm month
Adds a erm_counter_logs database entry
Adds a usage object database entry