

Koha::Email - A wrapper around Email::Stuffer


Class methods


    my $email = Koha::Email->new_from_string( $email_string );

Constructor for the Koha::Email class. The $email_string (mandatory) parameter will be parsed with Email::MIME.

Note: $email_string can be the produced by the as_string method from Koha::Email or Email::MIME.


    my $email = Koha::Email->create(
          [ text_body   => $text_message,
            html_body   => $html_message,
            body_params => $body_params ]
            from        => $from,
            to          => $to,
            cc          => $cc,
            bcc         => $bcc,
            reply_to    => $reply_to,
            sender      => $sender,
            subject     => $subject,

This method creates a new Email::Stuffer object taking Koha specific configurations into account.

The encoding defaults to utf-8. It can be set as part of the body_params hashref. See Email::Stuffer and Email::MIME for more details on the available options.

Parameters: - from defaults to the value of the KohaAdminEmailAddress system preference - The SendAllEmailsTo system preference overloads the to, cc and bcc parameters - reply_to defaults to the value of the ReplytoDefault system preference - sender defaults to the value of the ReturnpathDefault system preference

Both text_body and html_body can be set later. body_params will be passed if present to the constructor.


    $email->send_or_die({ transport => $transport [, $args] });

Overloaded Email::Stuffer send_or_die method, that takes care of Bcc and Return-path handling.

Bcc is removed from the message headers, and included in the recipients list to be passed to send_or_die.

Return-path, 'MAIL FROM', is set to the 'Sender' email header unless an explicit 'from' parameter is passed to send_or_die. 'Return-path' headers are actually set by the MTA, usually using the 'MAIL FROM' information set at mail server connection time.


    my $is_valid = Koha::Email->is_valid($email_address);

Return true is the email address passed in parameter is valid following RFC 2822.
