Koha::Patron - Koha Patron Object class
Autogenerate next cardnumber from highest value found in database
trim whitespace from data which has some non-whitespace in it. Could be moved to Koha::Object if need to be reused
$patron->plain_text_password( $password );
stores a copy of the unencrypted password in the object for use in code before encrypting for db
Patron specific store method to cleanup record and do other necessary things before saving to db
Delete patron's holds, lists and finally the patron.
Lists owned by the borrower are deleted or ownership is transferred depending on the ListOwnershipUponPatronDeletion pref, but entries from the borrower to other lists are kept.
my $patron_category = $patron->category
Return the patron category for this patron
Returns a Koha::Library object representing the patron's home library.
Returns a Koha::SMS::Provider object representing the patron's SMS provider.
Returns Koha::Patron::Relationships object for this patron's guarantors
Returns the set of relationships for the patrons that are guarantors for this patron.
Note that a guarantor should exist as a patron in Koha; it was not possible to add them without a guarantor_id in the interface for some time. Bug 30472 restricts it on db level.
Returns true if the patron has a guarantor.
Returns Koha::Patron::Relationships object for this patron's guarantors
Returns the set of relationships for the patrons that are guarantees for this patron.
The method returns Koha::Patron::Relationship objects for the sake of consistency with the guantors method. A guarantee by definition must exist as a patron in Koha.
Returns true if the patron is a guarantor.
Returns the amount owed by the patron's guarantors *and* the other guarantees of those guarantors
Returns the HouseboundProfile associated with this patron.
Returns the HouseboundRole associated with this patron.
Returns the siblings of this patron.
my $patron = Koha::Patrons->find($id); $patron->merge_with( \@patron_ids ); This subroutine merges a list of patrons into the patron record. This is accomplished by finding all related patron ids for the patrons to be merged in other tables and changing the ids to be that of the keeper patron.
my $patron = Koha::Patrons->find($id); $patron->messaging_preferences();
$wants_check = $patron->wants_check_for_previous_checkout;
Return 1 if Koha needs to perform PrevIssue checking, else 0.
$do_check = $patron->do_check_for_previous_checkout($item);
Return 1 if the bib associated with $ITEM has previously been checked out to $PATRON, 0 otherwise.
my $debarment_expiration = $patron->is_debarred;
Returns the date a patron debarment will expire, or undef if the patron is not debarred
my $is_expired = $patron->is_expired;
Returns 1 if the patron is expired or 0;
$patron->is_active({ [ since => $date ], [ days|weeks|months|years => $value ] })
A patron is considered 'active' if the following conditions hold:
- account did not expire - account has not been anonymized - enrollment or lastseen within period specified
Note: lastseen is updated for triggers defined in preference TrackLastPatronActivityTriggers. This includes logins, issues, holds, etc.
The period to check is defined by $date or $value in days, weeks or months. You should pass one of those; otherwise an exception is thrown.
my $password_expired = $patron->password_expired;
Returns 1 if the patron's password is expired or 0;
my $is_going_to_expire = $patron->is_going_to_expire;
Returns 1 if the patron is going to expired, depending on the NotifyBorrowerDeparture pref or 0
$patron->set_password({ password => $plain_text_password [, skip_validation => 1, action => NAME ] });
Set the patron's password.
Allows optional action parameter to change name of action logged (when enabled). Used for reset password.
The passed string is validated against the current password enforcement policy. Validation can be skipped by passing the skip_validation parameter.
Exceptions are thrown if the password is not good enough.
my $new_expiry_date = $patron->renew_account
Extending the subscription to the expiry date.
my $has_overdues = $patron->has_overdues;
Returns the number of patron's overdues
my $has_restricting_overdues = $patron->has_restricting_overdues({ issue_branchcode => $branchcode });
Returns true if patron has overdues that would result in debarment.
Updates the lastseen field, limited to one update per day, whenever the activity passed is listed in TrackLastPatronActivityTriggers.
The method should be called upon successful completion of the activity.
my $is_moved = $patron->move_to_deleted;
Move a patron to the deletedborrowers table. This can be done before deleting a patron, to make sure the data are not completely deleted.
if ( $patron->can_request_article( $library->id ) ) { ... }
Returns true if the patron can request articles. As limits apply for the patron on the same day, those completed the same day are considered as current.
A library_id can be passed as parameter, falling back to userenv if absent.
my $fee = $patron->article_request_fee( { [ library_id => $library->id, ] } );
Returns the fee to be charged to the patron when it places an article request.
A library_id can be passed as parameter, falling back to userenv if absent.
my $fee = $patron->add_article_request_fee_if_needed( { [ item_id => $item->id, library_id => $library->id, ] } );
If an article request fee needs to be charged, it adds a debit to the patron's account.
Returns the fee line.
A library_id can be passed as parameter, falling back to userenv if absent.
my $article_requests = $patron->article_requests;
Returns the patron article requests.
my $enrolment_fee = $patron->add_enrolment_fee_if_needed($renewal);
Add enrolment fee for a patron if needed.
$renewal - boolean denoting whether this is an account renewal or not
my $checkouts = $patron->checkouts
my $pending_checkouts = $patron->pending_checkouts
This method will return the same as $self->checkouts, but with a prefetch on items, biblio and biblioitems.
It has been introduced to replaced the C4::Members::GetPendingIssues subroutine
It should not be used directly, prefer to access fields you need instead of retrieving all these fields in one go.
my $old_checkouts = $patron->old_checkouts
my $overdue_items = $patron->overdues
Return the overdue items
my $restrictions = $patron->restrictions;
Returns the patron restrictions.
my $routinglists = $patron->get_routing_lists
Returns the routing lists a patron is subscribed to.
my $age = $patron->get_age
Return the age of the patron
my $is_valid = $patron->is_valid_age
Return 1 if patron's age is between allowed limits, returns 0 if it's not.
my $account = $patron->account
my $holds = $patron->holds
Return all the holds placed by this patron
my $old_holds = $patron->old_holds
Return all the historical holds for this patron
my $curbside_pickups = $patron->curbside_pickups;
Return all the curbside pickups for this patron
my $bookings = $item->bookings();
Returns the bookings for this patron.
my $return_claims = $patron->return_claims
my $email = $patron->notice_email_address;
Return the email address of patron used for notices. Returns the empty string if no email address.
my $first_valid_email_address = $patron->first_valid_email_address
Return the first valid email address for a patron. For now, the order is defined as email, emailpro, B_email. Returns the empty string if the borrower has no email addresses.
my @lists = $patron->get_lists_with_patron;
FIXME: This method returns a DBIC resultset instead of a Koha::Objects-based iterator.
my $is_locked = $patron->account_locked
Return true if the patron has reached the maximum number of login attempts (see pref FailedLoginAttempts). If login_attempts is < 0, this is interpreted as an administrative lockout (independent of FailedLoginAttempts; see also Koha::Patron->lock). Otherwise return false. If the pref is not set (empty string, null or 0), the feature is considered as disabled.
my $can_see = $patron->can_see_patron_infos( $patron );
Return true if the patron (usually the logged in user) can see the patron's infos for a given patron
my $can_see = $patron->can_see_patrons_from( $branchcode );
Return true if the patron (usually the logged in user) can see the patron's infos from a given library
my $can_edit = $patron->can_edit_items_from( $branchcode );
Return true if the Koha::Patron can edit items from the given branchcode
my $libraries = $patron->libraries_where_can_edit_items;
Return the list of branchcodes(!) of libraries the patron is allowed to items for. The branchcodes are arbitrarily returned sorted. We are supposing here that the object is related to the logged in patron (use of C4::Context::only_my_library)
An empty array means no restriction, the user can edit any item.
my $libraries = $patron->libraries_where_can_see_patrons;
Return the list of branchcodes(!) of libraries the patron is allowed to see other patron's infos.
The branchcodes are arbitrarily returned sorted.
We are supposing here that the object is related to the logged in patron (use of C4::Context::only_my_library)
An empty array means no restriction, the patron can see patron's infos from any libraries.
my $can_see = $patron->can_see_things_from( { branchcode => $branchcode, permission => $permission, subpermission => $subpermission, group_feature => $group_feature } );
Return true if the Koha::Patron can perform some action, as described by a permission, subpermission, group_feature combination, at the passed library.
my $can_log_into = $patron->can_log_into( $library );
Given a Koha::Library object, it returns a boolean representing the fact the patron can log into a the library.
my $libraries = $patron->libraries_where_can_see_things( { permission => $permission, subpermission => $subpermission, group_feature => $group_feature } );
Returns a list of libraries where this user is allowed to perform an action, as defined by a permission, subpermission, group_feature combination.
We account for `IndependentBranches` and permission/subpermission assignments before looking into library group allowances.
We are assuming here that the object is related to the logged in librarian (use of C4::Context::only_my_library)
An empty array means no restriction, the thing can see thing's infos from any libraries.
my $permission = $patron->has_permission($required);
See C4::Auth::haspermission for details of syntax for $required
my $is_superlibrarian = $patron->is_superlibrarian;
Return true if the patron is a superlibrarian.
my $is_adult = $patron->is_adult
Return true if the patron has a category with a type Adult (A), Organization (I) or Staff (S)
my $is_child = $patron->is_child
Return true if the patron has a category with a type Child (C)
my $patron = Koha::Patrons->find(42); $patron->userid( $new_userid ); my $has_a_valid_userid = $patron->has_valid_userid
my $patron = Koha::Patron->new( $params ); my $has_a_valid_userid = $patron->has_valid_userid
Return true if the current userid of this patron is valid/unique, otherwise false.
Note that this should be done in $self->store instead and raise an exception if needed.
$patron->generate_userid; If you do not have a plugin for generating a userid, we will call the internal method here that returns firstname.surname[.number], where number is an optional suffix to make the userid unique. (Its behavior has not been changed on bug 32426.) If you have plugin(s), the first valid response will be used. A plugin is assumed to return a valid userid as suggestion, but not assumed to save it already. Does not fallback to internal (you could arrange for that in your plugin). Clears userid when there are no valid plugin responses.
Return object of Koha::Patron::Attributes type with all attributes set for this patron
Or setter FIXME
my $messages = $patron->messages;
Return the message attached to the patron.
Koha::Patrons->find($id)->lock({ expire => 1, remove => 1 }); Lock and optionally expire a patron account. Remove holds and article requests if remove flag set. In order to distinguish from locking by entering a wrong password, let's call this an administrative lockout.
Koha::Patrons->find($id)->anonymize; Anonymize or clear borrower fields. Fields in BorrowerMandatoryField are randomized, other personal data is cleared too. Patrons with issues are skipped.
my $relationship = $patron->add_guarantor( { borrowernumber => $borrowernumber, relationships => $relationship, } ); Adds a new guarantor to a patron.
my $attribute_value = $patron->get_extended_attribute( $code );
Return the attribute for the code passed in parameter.
It not exist it returns undef
Note that this will not work for repeatable attribute types.
Maybe you certainly not want to use this method, it is actually only used for SHOW_BARCODE (which should be a real patron's attribute (not extended)
Sets default messaging preferences on patron.
See Koha::Patron::MessagePreference(s) for more documentation, especially on thrown exceptions.
if ( $patron->is_accessible({ user => $logged_in_user }) ) { ... }
This overloaded method validates whether the current Koha::Patron object can be accessed by the logged in user.
Returns 0 if the user parameter is missing.
This method returns the list of database fields that should be visible, even for restricted users, for both API and UI output purposes
my $json = $patron->to_api;
Overloaded method that returns a JSON representation of the Koha::Patron object, suitable for API output.
This method returns the mapping for representing a Koha::Patron object on the API.
Returns a map of column name to string representations including the string.
Koha::Patrons->queue_notice({ letter_params => $letter_params, message_name => 'DUE'}); Koha::Patrons->queue_notice({ letter_params => $letter_params, message_transports => \@message_transports }); Koha::Patrons->queue_notice({ letter_params => $letter_params, message_transports => \@message_transports, test_mode => 1 }); Queue messages to a patron. Can pass a message that is part of the message_attributes table or supply the transport to use. If passed a message name we retrieve the patrons preferences for transports Otherwise we use the supplied transport. In the case of email or sms we fall back to print if we have no address/number for sending $letter_params is a hashref of the values to be passed to GetPreparedLetter test_mode will only report which notices would be sent, but nothing will be queued
my $result = $patron->safe_to_delete; if ( $result eq 'has_guarantees' ) { ... } elsif ( $result ) { ... } else { # cannot delete }
This method tells if the Koha:Patron object can be deleted. Possible return values
my $recalls = $patron->recalls;
Return the patron's recalls.
my $balance = $patron->account_balance
Return the patron's account balance
$patron->notify_library_of_registration( $email_patron_registrations );
Send patron registration email to library if EmailPatronRegistrations system preference is enabled.
my $bool = $patron->has_messaging_preference({ message_name => $message_name, # A value from message_attributes.message_name message_transport_type => $message_transport_type, # email, sms, phone, itiva, etc... wants_digest => $wants_digest, # 1 if you are looking for the digest version, don't pass if you just want either });
Return 1 if a patron has 'Superlibrarian' or 'Catalogue' permission. Otherwise, return 0.
Return 1 if a patron has 'Superlibrarian' or 'Catalogue' and 'edit_public_list_contents' permissions. Otherwise, return 0.
Secret (TwoFactorAuth expects it in base32 format) is encrypted. You still need to call ->store.
my $secret32 = $patron->decoded_secret;
Decode the patron secret. We expect to get back a base32 string, but this is not checked here. Caller of encode_secret is responsible for that.
my $shelves = $patron->virtualshelves;
my $savings = $patron->get_savings;
Use the replacement price of patron's old and current issues to calculate how much they have 'saved' by using the library.
my $subscriptions = $patron->alert_subscriptions;
Return a Koha::Subscriptions object containing subscriptions for which the patron has subscribed to email alerts.
my $consent = $patron->consent(TYPE); Returns the first consent of type TYPE (there should be only one) or a new instance of Koha::Patron::Consent.
my $patron_borrowing_status = $patron->can_checkout( { patron => $patron } );
This method determines whether a patron is able to borrow based on various parameters. - Restrictions - Expiry - Charges
If any blockers are found, these are returned in a hash
my $patron_charge_limits = $patron->is_patron_inside_charge_limits( { patron => $patron } );
Checks the current account balance for a patron and any guarantors/guarantees and compares it with any charge limits in place Takes into account patron category level charge limits in the first instance and defaults to global sysprefs if not set
Kyle M Hall <kyle@bywatersolutions.com> Alex Sassmannshausen <alex.sassmannshausen@ptfs-europe.com> Martin Renvoize <martin.renvoize@ptfs-europe.com>