

Koha::Plugins - Module for loading and managing plugins.




Calls a plugin method for all enabled plugins

    @responses = Koha::Plugins->call($method, @args)

Note: Pass your arguments as refs, when you want subsequent plugins to use the value updated by preceding plugins, provided that these plugins support that.


Returns a list of enabled plugins.

    @plugins = Koha::Plugins->get_enabled_plugins( [ verbose => 1 ] );


Returns a boolean denoting whether a plugin based feature is enabled or not.

    $enabled = Koha::Plugins->feature_enabled('method_name');


This will return a list of all available plugins, optionally limited by method or metadata value.

    my @plugins = Koha::Plugins::GetPlugins({
        method => 'some_method',
        metadata => { some_key => 'some_value' },
        [ all => 1, errors => 1, verbose => 1 ],

The method and metadata parameters are optional. If you pass multiple keys in the metadata hash, all keys must match.

If you pass errors (only used in plugins-home), we return two arrayrefs:

    ( $good, $bad ) = Koha::Plugins::GetPlugins( { errors => 1 } );

If you pass verbose, you can enable or disable explicitly warnings from Module::Load::Conditional. Disabled by default to not flood the logs.


Koha::Plugins::InstallPlugins( [ verbose => 1 ] )

This method iterates through all plugins physically present on a system. For each plugin module found, it will test that the plugin can be loaded, and if it can, will store its available methods in the plugin_methods table.

NOTE: We reload all plugins here as a protective measure in case someone has removed a plugin directly from the system without using the UI


    Koha::Plugins->RemovePlugins( {
        [ plugin_class => MODULE_NAME, destructive => 1, disable => 1 ],
    } );

    This is primarily for unit testing. Take care when you pass the
    destructive flag (know what you are doing)!

    The method removes records from plugin_methods for one or all plugins.

    If you pass the destructive flag, it will remove records too from
    plugin_data for one or all plugins. Destructive overrules disable.

    If you pass disable, it will disable one or all plugins (in plugin_data).

    If you do not pass destructive or disable, this method does not touch
    records in plugin_data. The cache key for enabled plugins will be cleared
    only if you pass disabled or destructive.


Kyle M Hall <kyle.m.hall@gmail.com>
