



An endpoint to fetch filtered monthly report data for ERM usage statistics


An endpoint to fetch filtered yearly report data for ERM usage statistics


An endpoint to fetch report data for ERM usage statistics based on metric type columns


An endpoint to fetch all data for all providers for a given report type


Returns the Koha object that needs to be used to fetch the data for this report.


Returns the array of ids (or an empty array) for the data type that has been requested as a report parameter. e.g. If it is a titles report and the user has requested titles with the ids 1,2,3, these will be fetched from the query parameters and returned as (1,2,3).


Takes in an id number and a dataset. If that id number exists within the dataset then no action is needed. If it isn't found then that means there are no statistics for that object. It is however required in the report so is returned with a blank dataset.


Returns a hash for a given data type with some additional parameters.


If an id is identified as missing, this piece of data is fetched and returned into _get_result_with_no_statistics for processing.


Takes the dataset retrieved from the database and converts it into a reportable set of data Each title in the dataset needs to be split into rows depending on its different properties - YOP, access_type, metric_type


A helper function for creating report rows based on access_type and metric_type

A method for summing the usage counts for a data object
