Koha::Report - Koha Report Object class
my ( $is_sql_valid, $errors ) = $report->is_sql_valid;
$errors is a arrayref of hashrefs, keys can be sqlerr or queryerr.
Validate SQL query string so it only contains a select, not any of the harmful queries.
$self->check_columns('SELECT password from borrowers'); $self->check_columns( undef, [qw(password token)] ); Check if passed sql statement or column_names arrayref contains forbidden column names (credentials etc.). Returns all bad column names or empty list.
Return search info
Return properties that can be shared.
Clear a Mana report to be imported in Koha?
Prep the report and return executable sql with parameters embedded and a list of header types for building batch action links in the template
$sql = $self->_might_add_limit($sql);
Depending on pref ReportsExportLimit. If there is a limit defined and the report does not contain a limit already, this routine adds a LIMIT to $sql.
Returns name of corresponding DBIC resultset