StockRotationStage - Koha StockRotationStage Object class
StockRotationStage class used primarily by stockrotation .pls and the stock rotation cron script.
Standard Koha::Objects definitions, and additional methods.
my $stages = Koha::StockRotationStage->stockrotationitems;
Returns the items associated with the current stage.
my $branch = Koha::StockRotationStage->branchcode;
Returns the branch associated with the current stage.
my $rota = Koha::StockRotationStage->rota;
Returns the rota associated with the current stage.
my $siblings = $stage->siblings;
Koha::Object wrapper around DBIx::Class::Ordered.
my $next_siblings = $stage->next_siblings;
Koha::Object wrapper around DBIx::Class::Ordered.
my $previous_siblings = $stage->previous_siblings;
Koha::Object wrapper around DBIx::Class::Ordered.
my $next = $stage->next_sibling;
Koha::Object wrapper around DBIx::Class::Ordered.
my $previous = $stage->previous_sibling;
Koha::Object Wrapper around DBIx::Class::Ordered.
my $first = $stage->first_sibling;
Koha::Object Wrapper around DBIx::Class::Ordered.
my $last = $stage->last_sibling;
Koha::Object Wrapper around DBIx::Class::Ordered.
1|0 = $stage->move_previous;
Koha::Object Wrapper around DBIx::Class::Ordered.
1|0 = $stage->move_next;
Koha::Object Wrapper around DBIx::Class::Ordered.
1|0 = $stage->move_first;
Koha::Object Wrapper around DBIx::Class::Ordered.
1|0 = $stage->move_last;
Koha::Object Wrapper around DBIx::Class::Ordered.
1|0 = $stage->move_to($position);
Koha::Object Wrapper around DBIx::Class::Ordered.
1|0 = $stage->move_to_group($rota_id, [$position]);
Koha::Object Wrapper around DBIx::Class::Ordered.
1|0 = $stage->delete;
Koha::Object Wrapper around DBIx::Class::Ordered.
my $report = $stage->investigate($report_so_far);
Return a stage based report. This report will mutate and augment the report that is passed to it. It slots item reports into the branched and temporary rota sections of the report. It also increments a number of counters.
For details of intent and context of this procedure, please see Koha::StockRotationRota->investigate.
Alex Sassmannshausen <>