Koha::Template::Plugin::AdditionalContents - TT Plugin for displaying additional contents
[% USE AdditionalContents %]
[% AdditionalContents.get() %]
In a template, you can get the news categories with the following TT code: [% AdditionalContents.get( category => 'news', location => ['opac_only', 'staff_and_opac'], lang => lang, library => branchcode ) %]
The function returns a hashref with keys: contents: a Koha::AdditionalContents object location: the passed in location param returned blocktitle: the passed in blocktitle param returned
In a template, you can get a specific news item by passing the news id. E.g.:
[% SET news_item = AdditionalContents.get_news_by_id( news_id => news_id ) %]
The function returns a hashref with a Koha::AdditionalContents object in the 'contents' key
Owen Leonard <oleonard@myacpl.org>