

Koha::Virtualshelf - Koha Virtualshelf Object class


Class methods


        by => $p1, to => $p2, interface => opac|intranet|undef,
            # p1 and p2 are borrowernumbers

    This routine has two main goals:
    [1] Decide if patron may transfer a shared list to another
        sharee (patron).
    [2] Decide if staff member may transfer a public list.

    If you pass interface, we'll check if it supports transfer too.
    NOTE: The explicit passing is still more reliable than via context,
    since we could switch interface after login in the same session.

    Returns a true value (read: error_code) when not allowed.
    The following error codes are possible:
        unauthorized_transfer, missing_by_parameter, new_owner_not_found,
        new_owner_has_no_share, missing_to_parameter.
    Otherwise returns false (zero).


    $list->transfer_ownership( $patron_id );

This method transfers the list ownership to the passed $patron_id.

Internal methods

