This script will run the SUSHI harvesting for usage data providers --begin-date <YYYY-MM-DD> [ --dry-run ][ --debug ][ --end-date <YYYY-MM-DD> ]
Options: --help brief help message --man detailed help message --debug print additional debug messages during run --dry-run test run only, do not harvest data --begin-date <YYYY-MM-DD> date to harvest from --end-date <YYYY-MM-DD> date to harvest until, defaults to today if not set
Print a brief help message and exits.
Print a detailed help message and exits.
Add debug statements to run
Date from which to harvest, previously harvested data will be ignored
Date to harvest until, defaults to today if not set
Test run only, do not harvest
This script fetches usage data from ERM data providers defined in the interface.
This script harvests from the given date to the specified end date, or until today
- With no arguments help is printed --begin-date 2000-01-01
- Harvest from the given date until today --begin-date 2000-01-01 --end-date 2024-01-01
- Harvest from the given date until the end date --begin-date 2000-01-01 --end-date 2024-01-01 --debug --dry-run
- Dry run, with debuig information