

runreport.pl - Run pre-existing saved reports


runreport.pl [ -h | -m ] [ -v ] reportID [ reportID ... ]

   -h --help       brief help message
   -m --man        full documentation, same as --help --verbose
   -v --verbose    verbose output

   --format=s      selects format. Choice of text, html, csv or tsv

   -e --email      whether to use e-mail (implied by --to or --from)
   --send_empty    whether to send an email when there are no results from the
                   specified report
   -a --attachment additionally attach the report as a file. cannot be used with html format
   --username      username to pass to the SMTP server for authentication
   --password      password to pass to the SMTP server for authentication
   --method        method is the type of authentication. Ie. LOGIN, DIGEST-MD5, etc.
   --to=s          e-mail address to send report to
   --from=s        e-mail address to send report from
   --subject=s     subject for the e-mail
   --param=s       parameters for the report
   --store-results store the result of the report
   --separator     separator character for csv
   --quote         quote character for csv
   --csv-header    add column names as first line of csv output

   reportID        report ID Number from saved_sql.id, multiple ID's may be specified



Print a brief help message and exits.


Prints the manual page and exits.


Verbose. Without this flag set, only fatal errors are reported.


Current options are text, html, csv, and tsv. At the moment, text and tsv both produce tab-separated output.


Separator character, only for csv format. Default to comma.


Quote character, only for csv format. Default to double quote. Empty string is allowed.


Whether to use e-mail (implied by --to or --from).


Username to pass to the SMTP server for authentication


Password to pass to the SMTP server for authentication


Method is the type of authentication. Ie. LOGIN, DIGEST-MD5, etc.


E-mail address to send report to. Defaults to KohaAdminEmailAddress.


E-mail address to send report from. Defaults to KohaAdminEmailAddress.


Subject for the e-mail message. Defaults to "Koha Saved Report"


Repeatable, should provide one param per param requested for the report. Report params are not combined as on the staff side, so you may need to repeat params.


Store the result of the report into the saved_reports DB table.

To access the results, go on Reports > Guided reports > Saved report.


This script is designed to run existing Saved Reports.


runreport.pl 16

In the most basic form, runs the report specified by ID number from saved_sql.id, in this case #16, outputting the results to STDOUT.

runreport.pl 16 17

Same as above, but also runs report #17.



Reports - Guided Reports
