

tidy.pl - Tidy Perl, Javascript, Vue and Template::Toolkit files.


tidy.pl [options] [files]

   --perl            Tidy the Perl files (.t, .pm, .pl)
   --js              Tidy the JavaScript files (.js, .ts, .vue)
   --tt              Tidy the Template::Tolkit files (.inc, .tt)
   --perltidyrc      .perltidyrc files to use for perltidy (default: .perltidyrc)
   --no-write        Do not modify the file, output the tidy version to STDOUT
   --nproc           Number of processes to use (default to all available)
   --silent          Silent mode
   --help            Show this help message


This script will tidy the different files present in the git repository.

If the file is an exception and should be tidy, it will be skipped. However if only one file is passed with --no-write then the content of the file will be print to STDOUT.


Tidy everything:


Tidy only the Perl files:

  ./tidy.pl --perl

Tidy only the JavaScript files:

  ./tidy.pl --js

Tidy only the Template::Toolkit files:

  ./tidy.pl --tt

Tidy only some specific files:

  ./tidy.pl list of files

Output the tidy version of a file:

  ./tidy.pl --no-write /path/to/file

Output the tidy version of a file without other information:

  ./tidy.pl --silent --no-write /path/to/file


Jonathan Druart <jonathan.druart@bugs.koha-community.org>
