

import_patrons.pl - CLI script to import patrons data into Koha


import_patrons.pl --file /path/to/patrons.csv --matchpoint cardnumber --confirm [--default branchcode=MPL] [--overwrite] [--preserve-field <column>] [--preserve-extended-attributes] [--update-expiration] [--expiration-from-today] [--verbose]



Prints a brief help message and exits


Confirms you really want to import these patrons, otherwise prints this help


Path to the CSV file of patrons to import


Field on which to match incoming patrons to existing patrons


Set defaults to patron fields, repeatable e.g. --default branchcode=MPL --default categorycode=PT


Prevent specified patron fields for existing patrons from being overwritten


Overwrite existing patrons with new data if a match is found


Retain extended patron attributes for existing patrons being overwritten


Send the WELCOME notice email to new users


If a matching patron is found, extend the expiration date of their account using the patron's enrollment date as the base


If a matching patron is found, extend the expiration date of their account using today's date as the base Cannot by used in conjunction with --expiration-from-existing


If a matching patron is found, extend the expiration date of their account using the patron's current expiration date as the base Cannot by used in conjunction with --expiration-from-today


Be verbose

Multiple -v options increase the verbosity

2 repetitions or above will report lines in error

3 repetitions or above will report feedback
