misc/migration_tools/dedup_authorities.pl - Deduping authorities script
dedup_authorities.pl [ -h ] [ -where="authid < 5000" ] -c [ -v ] [ -m d ] [ -a PERSO_NAME ]
Options: -h --help display usage statement -v --verbose increase verbosity, can be repeated for greater verbosity -m --method method for choosing the reference authority, can be: date, used, or ppn (UNIMARC) can be repeated -w --where a SQL WHERE statement to limit the authority records checked -c --confirm without this parameter no changes will be made, script will run in test mode -a --authtypecode check only specified auth type, repeatable
Method(s) used to choose which authority to keep in case we found duplicates. <methods> is a string composed of letters describing what methods to use and in which order. Letters can be: date: keep the most recent authority (based on 005 field) used: keep the most used authority ppn: PPN (UNIMARC only), keep the authority with a ppn (when some authorities don't have one, based on 009 field)
Example: -m ppn -m date -m used Among the authorities that have a PPN, keep the most recent, and if two (or more) have the same date in 005, keep the most used.
Default is 'used'
limit the deduplication to SOME authorities only
Example: -where="authid < 5000" will only auths with a low auth_id (old records)
display verbose logging, can be repeated twice for more info
show usage information.